Inner East Review

Doco captures pre-war Nazi-style rallies in New York

Glen Humphries
March 22 2024 - 5:00am
In the years leading up to World War II, a Nazi-style organisation known as the German American Bund gained notoriety in the United States.
In the years leading up to World War II, a Nazi-style organisation known as the German American Bund gained notoriety in the United States.


8.30pm, Sunday, SBS

Just six months before the start of World War II, a Nazi-style rally was held in Madison Square Garden in New York City.

The man behind it all was Fritz Kuhn, an ardent fan of Adolf Hitler and leader of a group known as the German American Bund.

This documentary runs through the story of Kuhn, starting with the footage from that rally.

That may have been a mistake, because those images are easily the most eye-opening part of the show, meaning that everything that comes afterwards is a bit of an anti-climax.

Below, Richard Spencer dealt with years of harrowing abuse by his wife Sheree, much of it captured on video.
Below, Richard Spencer dealt with years of harrowing abuse by his wife Sheree, much of it captured on video.


9pm, Monday, WIN

Domestic violence is often viewed as something men do to women.

This is despite some statistics showing that one in four men have experienced some form of physical violence from an intimate partner.

One of the more extreme examples is what Sheree Spencer did to her husband Richard; when she was jailed for four years Judge Kate Rayfield described it as "the worst case of controlling and coercive behaviour I have seen".

The long-running physical and verbal violence had been going on for years. Much of it ended up being captured on the security cameras they installed in 2015 after the birth of the first of their three children.

The cameras were installed to keep an eye on their children but ended up capturing Sheree punching and kicking Richard repeatedly. In one instance, captured on camera, she threatened him with a carving knife from the kitchen.

When it happened, Richard wouldn't fight back but - in a standard coping mechanism - withdrew within himself as though it was all happening to someone else.

This two-part documentary shows plenty of that harrowing footage. But perhaps the most shocking parts are when the police show Sheree the videos.

She doesn't seem shocked, or try to cover anything up. Her attitude is that it is the sort of thing that happens in relationships - that all couples fight.

This is a well-made documentary that is very hard to watch at times and which shows domestic violence can happen anywhere - even in well-off areas like where the Spencers lived.


9.40pm, Wednesday, Seven Bravo

While the phrase "no-one ever went broke under-estimating the taste of the public" isn't 100 per cent true, it's true more often than not.

In the world of TV you can take even the most odious concept (hello Married at First Sight) and find an audience. A chunk of that audience will say they watch it to feel glad they're not like those people - but that's an empty justification, they watch it because they like it.

Another show likely to show you can never set that taste bar too low is this.

What is a "throuple", you ask? It's a threesome, but that didn't create a cute rhyme with "couple" so the makers went with "throuple".

While there nothing wrong with wanting to pursue a non-monogamous lifestyle, there is something wrong with shows like this that want to take advantage of any drama it may cause.

And it does cause some drama, particularly among those couples who find they weren't as keen on the reality of being a "throuple" as the fantasy they obviously had in their heads.

Reviews by Glen Humphries

Glen Humphries

Glen Humphries

Senior journalist

I'm an award-winning senior journalist with the Illawarra Mercury and have well over two decades' worth of experience in newspapers. I cover the three local councils in the Illawarra for the Mercury, state and federal politics, as well as writing for the TV guide. If I'm not writing, I'm reading.